The Clever

The Clever (Sportina 680)
By ReneMarine

A)  Quick Start
B)  Introduction
1)   Sit Poses
2)   Sailing the Clever
        2a -   Keyboard Controls
        2b -   Rudder Controls
        2c -   HUD 
        2d -   Auto Trim 
        2e -   AutoPilot (OBSOLETE COMMAND)
        2f -    Sail Controls (genoa, main, spinnaker, reefing)
        2g -   Motoring the Clever
        2h -   Balance Commands (hiking)
        2i -    Gestures
        2j -    Channel (chat commands channel control)
3)  List of Chat Commands and keyboard controls
4)  Setting the Wind
5)   Racing the Clever
        5a -    sets Race id.
        5b -    Using the WWC
6)   Camera Positions - How to Change
    6a)     Camera Angle (this command is obsolete)   
    6b)     Active Cam (these adjustments still work)
7)   Guest Skipper
8)   Texturing
9)   Points of Sail
10) Sim Boarders
11) ReneMarine's Customer Support

Rez over land to extract the Trailer

A)    Quick Start
Skipper Sits First - Just sit anywhere on the boat
Wear HUD
(open chat commands - case sensitive)
        raise -   to raise sails (HUD or chat)
        moor  - to moor or stop  (HUD or chat)
        motor - outboard motor (toggle)
        arrow-up & down -- sails out and in (power for motor)
        arrow-right & Left - turns boat
        arrow left+right at the same time centers the rudder
        arrow opposite of direction you're steering centers the rudder
**      Above is like most sailboats  **
**      Below special to ReneMarine Products           **
Centering The Rudder      
        arrow left+right at the same time centers the rudder
        arrow opposite of direction you're steering centers the rudder
       Wind defaults to WWC

B)    Introduction
    Land Impact -   32 Prim Equivalents

Rene Underby is so proud to own in RL a Clever 23 which is also known as a Sportina 680. This is a fiberglass hull 23 foot Sailboat that she docks in the Netherlands. She loves it so much that she recreated it here Second Life for you to sail.

This is a Mesh boat and requires a Mesh Compatible viewer.

RealRudder Technology Steering for the most realistic sailing experience available.
    * Actual Functioning Instrument Huds with meaningful readouts
    * clean low lag scripting
    * Texturable Hull and Sails
    * Manual Wind Setter and WWC Wind Setters
    * Reefing Sails adjust your speed
    * Furling Motion on the sails
    * Main Sheet
    * Meaningful Sail Control HUD
    * Spinnaker
    * TellTale wind indicator will fly forward when the sheet is pulled too tight
    * Passenger Hiking affects boat balance and heel

And then there's the standard ReneMarine set of features
    * AutoTrim
    * Tako based controls
    * switchable Active Camera (obsolete command)
    * Race Mode
    * Sails can be made semitransparent with the alpha controls
    * Command Line assignable skipper
    * Seats four. Skipper and a three passengers

1)    Sit Poses
Seats four. Skipper and three passengers
-  Skipper sits first on the helm
-  Passengers sits anywhere on the boat.
- Touch the boat anywhere to obtain a Menu for changing your seats

The Pilot for The Clever is the first person to sit on the boat. The pilot can switch to certain seats on command without using the menus. The Clever responds to the crew positions on the boat. Speed is affected when the boat is level. The boat slows when it is trying to resist the turning forces brought when the boat heels too much. Each of the four sitters can move to any side on the boat independently.

2)    Sailing the Clever
raise -  to raise sails
moor  - to moor or stop 
lower - lowers sails
    2a)     Keyboard Controls
    arrow-right -   turns boat right (when moving forward)
    arrow-left -     turns  boat left (when moving forward)   
    arrow-right + arrow left  -  centers rudder
    arrow opposite direction you're steering centers the rudder

    2b)     Rudder Controls
    RealRudder Technology Steering for the most realistic sailing experience available in SL.
    In real life, turning the rudder will only turn the boat if you have forward or backward motion.  A boat can go “in irons” when the bow is headed into the wind and the boat has stalled -- moving the rudder won’t turn the boat (as there is no forward motion) and getting forward motion is a slow process as the boat slowly falls off (turning away from the wind), the sails fill with air, and the boat slowly begins to move forward again. If you are drifting backwards the rudder acts in reverse.
(thanks to
Tasha Kostolany @ Tradewinds Yacht Club
for composing this great illustration)
          Once you have made a turn you will want to straighten the rudder
                pressing the arrow key in the opposite direction you were turning will center the rudder.
HUD, second panel - shows your rudder position

    2c)     HUD
    5 panels on the HUD which include
    -   WindAngle to boat
    -   Rudder
    -   Then 3 identical panels which can be set to either the main control, or one of  10 different readouts.

        [ 2c1    WindAngle to boat
        The boat can not sail directly into the wind - about 30 degrees to wind is the limit. The panel shows which side of the boat the wind is on Red to the Port, and Green to the Starboard.
        You can toggle between two different scales
            0 - 65 degrees (when you are “beating to wind”)
            0 - 180 degrees
        You can toggle between True WindAngle or Apparent WindAngle.
        ApparentWind Angle is more useful in motion
            To learn what Apparent WindAngle

        [ 2c2    Rudder
        The Rudder Position indicator tells you the actual position of the rudder under the boat.
        NOTE: Press Both Arrow keys at the same time to center the rudder.
Note: Shift Right and Shift Left will move the rudder to the farthest position of either side.
        If you have no forward motion, then you have limited rudder control. You must raise the sails and gain forward momentum and then the rudder will turn the boat. Just like a real sailboat, the sails must catch the wind in order to move. If you lose the wind, then your boat will slow down and stop. The boat will drift backwards when the wind is at your face and you will have to use the rudder to turn the ship so that you catch the wind again.
        Key controls
        Press the arrow button opposite the direction the rudder is turned and the rudder will return to the center.

        [ 2c3    Main Control
        lets you toggle the following
            * Raise - raises and lowers sails (the toggle works on the HUD only)
            * AutoTrim - sets the sails to optimum for you (see 2d)
            * Motor - Lowers sails and starts engine
(autopilot is obsolete)

        [ 2c4    Speed
        Speed of Boat

        [ 2c5    WindAngle / BoomAngle
        Optimum sail trim is ½ BoomAngle to WindAngle 
        (To optimize your speed  set your Boom angle to  ½ your WindAngle)
        NOTE - The three Bottom Control Panels
        All 3 panels are identical. The last button on each panel is red and toggles the Main Control panel.  
        You can toggle though these to set your preference:
                * Speed
                * True Windspeed
                * Apparent Windspeed
                * Apparent Windangle
                * Boom Angle
                * Heading
                * Depth / Heading
                *  Wind Angle / Boom Angle
                * True WindAngle / Apparent WindAngle
                * True WindSpeed / Apparent Windspeed WindSpeed

      2d)       AutoTrim
    Toggles on and off from the HUD - Main Control Panel (type command "autotrim") (gesture a)
    Auto Trim will set the optimum sail angle for you  as you sail (Optimum sail trim is ½ BoomAngle to WindAngle)

    2e)     AutoPilot   
    AutoPilot command is obsolete on this boat.
    2f)    Sail Controls (genoa, main, spi)
    Both sails and be raised or lowered individually
        * sail commands
                raise ms - raises mainsail
                raise genoa - raises genoa
                lower ms - lowers the mainsail
                lower genoa  - lowers the genoa
                spi - raises and lower  the spinnaker
        * Reefing Commands
            The sails can be reefed to reduce the sail area exposed to the wind.
                rg0 through rg100 - rg is reef genoa then add a number from zero to one hundred
                rm0 through rm100 - rm is to reef main, then add a number from zero to one hundred
    2g)     Motoring the Clever
    Toggles on and off from the HUD - Main Control Panel (type command  "motor") (gesture F4)
    Up/Down arrows when motoring increase/decrease the throttle.
    It takes a moment to lower the outboard motor and pull start it. So you can expect a few seconds delay between when you lower the motor and when you actually can increase the throttle. You'll hear the sounds of the motor dropping and the pull starter.

    2h)     Using the Balance features on the Clever
    The Clever features the ability to balance the boat. This means that it will detect where your AV is sitting and the boat will tilt to that side. There are four commands to switch between the seats as follows:
            * shl - sits High on the Left side (Gesture 1)
            * sll - sits Low on the Left side (Gesture 2)
            * slr - sits Low on the Right Side (Gesture 3)
            * shr - sits High on the Right side (Gesture 4)
Gestures are provided for this purpose but you can use the command line interface, or you can use the avsitter menu's. The balance will affect the speed and handling of the boat.

    2i)     Gestures
    Second Life allows you to create gestures, which can be referred to as 'shortcuts'. These are keystrokes that you can program to send text into chat. The Clever is provided with a set of gestures to control some of the essential functions. Make sure you're not in Text Mode or it will not work. Conversely, if you're not in text mode and you start typing something then the gestures will take over. You can modify these to your own preferences.
        *   1 - Skipper sit Left High
        *   2 - Skipper sit Left Low
        *   3 - Skipper sit Right Low
        *   4 - Skipper sit Right High
        *   r - Raise
        *   l - Lower
        *   s - Spinnaker
        *   F4 - Motor
        *   F5 - Moor
    2j) channel xxx (chat commands channel)    
    By default the chat commands listen to channel 0. So when you are sailing, the boat responds to nearby chat commands like "raise" and  your passengers see it too. We have added the ability to change the chat command channel.
        channel 1 will set the command channel so that the boat will respond to /1 raise
        channel 2 sets the boat to respond to /2 raise
        channel 15 sets the boat to respond to /15 raise
    When you use a chat command channel like /1 raise, your passengers and nearby chatters cannot see your commands for the boat.
3)  List of Chat Commands and keyboard controls
The commands can be entered into Local Chat.
(Note: commands are case sensitive do not include the asterisk -  *)
    * raise - Raises the sails (gesture r)
    * lower - Lowers the sails (gesture l)
    * moor - Lowers the sails and parks the boat (gesture F5)
    * autotrim / Toggles Automatic Sail Adjustment when in Cruise Mode (Disabled in Race Mode) (gesture a)
    * motor - Outboard Motor Power (gesture F4)
    * channel xxx  (NEW COMMAND) sets the channel that your commands will use
    * c - Sets Camera Angle (obsolete command)
    * notecard - sends user this notecard
    * hud - sends user the sailing HUD
    * Up/Down arrows when motoring increase/decrease the throttle.
            when sailing it increase/decrease the sheet angle.
            (hold down the pageup button or the e button to
               increase the rate of change of the sail angle)
    * Left/Right arrows control the Rudder to port and starboard.
    * Press Both Left and Right arrows at the same time to center the Rudder
    * Press arrow opposite the direction you're turning to center the Rudder
    * idxxxx / sets Race id.
    * id off / turns off Race Mode and activates Cruising Mode.
    * set dock - stores the current position of the boat on the boat
    * dock - moves the boat to the position set on the boat with set dock.
         Must be within 10M of that position.
    * skipper Firstname Lastname - sets an alternate skipper who can take helm control of the
boat.  Only one alternate skipper is allowed at a time.
    * camera - toggles between Active and Inactive Camera (obsolete command)
    * alpha - sets the transparency of the Mainsail and the genoa.
    * spinalpha - sets the transparency of the spinnaker
         alpha 100 is Solid
         alpha 80 is a good setting
         alpha 0 is completely transparent
    * wind dir nnn Sets the direction of the wind in degrees from North. So by example wind dir
                    wind dir 0 - north
                    wind dir 90 - east
                    wind dir 180 - south
                    wind dir 270 - west
    * wind spd 00 - Sets the wind speed in knots. So for example wind spd 17 sets the wind speed
to 17 knots.
    * wind - Resets the wind to automatic mode so that it resumes automatically accepting WWC
from the local wind setters.
    * individual sail commands
            raise ms - raises mainsail
            raise genoa - raises genoa
            lower ms - lowers the mainsail
            lower genoa  - lowers the genoa
    * Reefing Commands
            The sails can be reefed to reduce the sail area exposed to the wind.
                rg0 through rg100 - rg is reef genoa then add a number from zero to one hundred
                rm0 through rm100 - rm is to reef main, then add a number from zero to one hundred
                spi - Deploy and retrieve the spinnaker
    * Load Distribution
            The Clever is a balance detecting boat. So it will detect where your av is sitting and balance to that side of the boat. We have provided four Gestures that will move the pilot to different locations. Outside Left, Right and Center Left Right. Changing your sitting position will cause the boat to heel in that direction.
            * shl - sits High on the Left side (Gesture 1)
            * sll - sits Low on the Left side (Gesture 2)
            * slr - sits Low on the Right Side (Gesture 3)
            * shr - sits High on the Right side (Gesture 4)
4)  Setting the Wind
The wind setter on the Clever automatically receives local winds from the WWC setter that it passes. You can override these settings by issuing the Wind command.
    * wind dir nnn
Sets the direction of the wind in degrees from North. So by example
                    wind dir 0 - north
                    wind dir 90 - east
                    wind dir 180 - south
                    wind dir 270 - west
    * wind spd 00
Sets the wind speed in knots. So for example wind spd 17 sets the wind speed to 17 knots.
    * wind
Resets the wind to automatic mode so that it resumes automatically accepting WWC from the local wind setters.

5)   Racing the Clever
    4a)      sets Race id.
    Chat command  (case sensitive do not include the asterisk -  *)
     *  idxxxx -  sets Race id.
     *  id off  - turns off Race Mode and activates Cruising Mode.
    4b)     Using the WWC
    To read how to use the WWC

6)    Camera Positions - How to Change
    6a)     Camera Angle (this command is obsolete)
    6b      Active Cam (these adjustments still work)
    The Active Cam offers the driver an adjustable and dynamic perspective when sailing. . The cam pivots to the Windward side when the sail moves with the wind. The position is adjustable on the fly and retains the settings.
    camera - toggles the Active/Fixed cam
       Enter "camera" in Local Chat toggles between the Active cam and the fixed cam
    pageup/pagedown (pressed at the same time)
       when pressed simultaneously toggles the dynamic camera adjustment mode.
       page up - moves the camera up
       page down - moves the camera down
       up arrow - moves the camera forward
       down arrow - moves the camera back aft
       right arrow - moves the camera to the right side
       left arrow - moves the camera to the left side
        There is no adjustment for the angle of the dynamic camera
        Press pageup/pagedown simultaneously again to toggle the active camera to and back to normal

7)      Guest Skipper
Chat command  (case sensitive do not include the asterisk -  *)
* skipper Firstname Lastname - sets an alternate skipper who can take helm control of the boat.  Only one alternate skipper is allowed at a time.
8)      Texturing
Hull Texturing -  The boat comes copy/mod so you can color your boat as you please.
Sail Texturing - The sails are copy/mod. So you can texture them to your taste. Sail textures are also applied by the script. The script relies on the name of the texture file to be correct and it is case sensitive. The script will take care of applying the texture at the right time and to the right faces. So when you replace the sail texture files they have to be named as follows:
* clever-mainsailtexture in the Mainsail Prim (mainsail)
* clever-furl-texture goes into the Genoa Prim (outerjib)
* clever-jib-texture goes into the Genoa Prim (outerjib)
Spinnaker Texturing - the spinnaker (prim name spinnaker) features a texture switching script. So drop your spinnaker texture into the spinnaker prim inventory. In this case the name of the file doesnt matter much. The script will put the texture on the right faces. If you cant locate your spinnaker prim, deploy it and edit linked.
9)     Points of Sail
The RM HUD 2 is the tool that you use to determine the velocity of the wind. The wind indicators point into the wind. When you are relying on the wind for propulsion you have to keep the wind to one of your sides. It cannot be coming directly into your face because then you will lose the wind. The wind cannot be coming from directly behind you because then you are not able to make use of the shape of the sail to optimize your speed. The RM HUD 2 has regions marked Red to the Port and Green to the Starboard within which the RM20 engine will operate efficiently. You have to think ahead of your turns now because the arrow keys are not turning the boat. The arrow keys are turning the rudder and the hydrodynamic action of the rudder is turning the boat. How to sail your boat is a matter of a long lesson in sailing terminologies and wind angles. Much has already been written on this subject which we need not repeat here. You can read about how to Sail your Clever here on this web page.
10)    Sim Boarders
A note about SIM Borders. Most Sailing simulator regions cover multiple SIMs. The SIM crossings are difficult at best and occasionally disasterous. SIM Crossings can be more difficult the more prims and scripts you're pushing to the new area. The number of passengers on your boat increases the difficulties of SIM Border crossings exponentially. When crossing any sim border the results are typically unpredictable. That being said, it is best to make use of your MiniMap to identify the upcoming SIM crossings. If you're going to cross a SIM border it's best to hit that border head on perpendicular and not at an angle. That way you dont confuse the next sim during the handoff. It's best not to be turning while crossing a sim border because the handoff will send you spinning. Other things to account for are attachments that are heavily scripted. Collars especially are troublesome. It is helpful to remove your scripted attachments when running your boat across the sim borders. All these are helpful suggestions, but sometimes the handoffs will still be difficult.
11)   ReneMarine's Customer Support
ReneMarine Yacht Building is happy to provide customers with Support. If you have any questions please send a message to Rene Underby who will be happy to help. Second Life servers are subject to frequent upgrades and SL Sailing can be a challenge in the best of circumstances.  When a bug is found in a product and fixed, ReneMarine will offer a free upgrade. No warranties or guarantees accompany your purchases. No Refunds.

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