The nobility of the people of japan echos even in the behavior of their pets.
My heart to the good people of Japan in their moment of trial. Attempting to trap Jesus, the phrasees came to Him with a cripple man unable to walk. They asked for who's sin is this man punished by his disability, his own or his parents. And Jesus said, neither... But so that you could witness the glory of god. And he reached out and touched the man who immediately stood up and began dancing and praising god.
There is no fathomable reason for the natural and subsequent cascade of disasters happening in Japan. But it does offer an opportunity for each of us to demonstrate our human compassion to one another. So let your light so shine among men. Let your light so shine.
And that is all I have to say on that...
Earthquake Relief Festival
Saturday March 19th
LIVE performers and Auction to benefit the Quake Victims of Japan and Pacific Tsunami
12pm Noon slt til . . . .
Tradewinds does NOT want your money. We want you to give directly to established relief efforts.
NO Tips -- Zero -- Zip -- will be accepted by Performers or Venue. We ask the public to give to
The Red Cross (website links will be given) or to buy Linden Bears for Quake Relief.
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